
Tuesday morning....

Why do Tuesdays seem to suck more than Mondays? 'Tis a mystery to me! And one that I have no intestinal fortitude to work on anytime soon. So, that means the question will remain unanswered and I will just have to live with that!
Ahhh....Tuesday and Wednesday mean that Paul doesn't have to work today or tomorrow. Technically, this should place me in a better mood. However, since I'm a woman and prone to changing said mood whenever I feel like it, I shall remain in my "blah" mood! I do have dinner with his parents to look forward to! Will be good to sit with a relatively normal family and enjoy one another's company!
Paul's brother, Craig and his friend are supposed to be visiting from Boston this month so it shall be interesting to meet one of his siblings. Although I know they are not that much alike. Joyce can shed more light on this one! Feel free to comment, Joyce! :)
I decided to do today's entry in this loverly lavender color as I think it will be striking against the black background.....of course, I'm wrong a lot! So, we shall see.
Work has been strangely uneventful today and yet that provides little comfort on the "happy with job" scale! Why is that?
Oh well, hopefully, Jen M. has had a chance to peruse my blog and can give me some more creative tips! Jen C. has vanished, I suspect from overwork from running two businesses! Mental note to self: check out website and see what's new there!
Alright, my pretties, nothing too exciting, since, it is after all, a Tuesday and I wouldn't want to get your expectations up over a simple Tuesday. Check out my mood indicator and that may sum it up for ya!
Later........if you are lucky!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok....i haven't exactly vanished...just busy as usual...you know me, not happy unless I'm busy :)