

So, I'm eagerly awaiting the return phone call from Roger, the tattoo guy, to tell me whether he wants to fit me in today after work! Keep fingers crossed for me since I hate waiting! He said he would call me back w/i the hour and let me know if I need to come down to show him what I want, etc. and go from there. I hate waiting!
I'm also getting fed up w/dealing with these insurance people. At least I have the comfort of knowing that my company is slightly looking out for my best interest, however, regardless of what the other company says, I know they could give a rat's ass! And, obviously, the horse's arse of a woman who BACKED INTO ME AT AN INTERSECTION could care less as well since she won't even return her own insurance company's phone calls! Pathetic, if you ask me!
So, back to work for me and that's not bad. Would be better if I knew that I had my fabulous new tattoo to look forward to, but one must be patient (not one of my strong suits!).
Weekend was great, albeit relatively uneventful. Yesterday and last night I was over at Paul's parents....his brother is in town (and the airline lost their baggage, however, he got it before the reveling was over!). We talked, ate, drank way too much and I think I got home around 10-ish and passed out after quickly chugging a bottle of water in the hopes that I would not wake up with a wicked hangover! Victory is mine! No hangover to be found and I awoke this morning ready to greet......ok, enough bullshit! :) I woke up groggy, just like every morning, counting the endless minutes until the coffee was ready, didn't feel like a shower (I showered last night, thank you very much!), and dragged on my tres comfortable black drawstring pants and a probably-too-casual-for-work shirt, and off to work I went.
I will most likely post later as to my ink status and whether it's a go or if the launch must be scratched! So, later, kids!

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