
Hurricane Katrina?

Now, I understand hurricanes. Not only am I a Florida native and have been through MANY of them, I was here (obviously) last year and lost my home and most of my belongings to Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. So, I don't apologize for the proceeding rant!
COME ON, PEOPLE! It's not even a Cat. 1 yet! It's a big, windy rainstorm that will most likely be more of a rainy inconvenience to your satellite and power than anything else. However, the shelves are empty in the stores, people are probably standing on corners bargaining their internal organs for generators right about now.
Now, I consider myself incredibly lucky. I won't lie, last year's storms that hit my home not once, but twice in a month (both Cat. 3 storms), ravaged not only my home but my nerves, tolerance level, and patience in general. I look back on that and understand how people will get a little jumpy when a storm is coming. Long gone are the times when people would joke while buying as much beer as possible in addition to a couple of bags of ice for good measure......God forbid the beer gets warm! But, the news is now on 24 hour coverage on this and not only is it live and therefore, horrible, but they now have included the lovely SPANISH scrolling message at the bottom of the screen. As if to remind us that English is no longer the language of choice for America.
So, I am planning on relaxing, watching something else on the satellite while I still have a signal and sleep. I do intend on drinking, after all, I wouldn't be a proper redneck girl if I didn't.
Which brings me to a completely different story, yet the segway will be apparent when you read this.
As you know, I accepted a job offer from Walgreen's as a Pharmacy Tech. I went to the lab place for my obligatory "pee in a cup while they treat you like a criminal" drug test. So, I'm sitting there in the back, waiting for my name to be called and this FINE specimen of a man sits next to me. I think he may have had 5 whole teeth in his mouth. God only knows where the others went and he looked a little rough around the edges. He leans over to me and with the stench of alcohol dripping off of him he asks me, "Do they test for alkeehol?". I smiled and tried to be polite and stated that I didn't know. He then proceeds to comment that he has been drinking all morning and that he's there for his pre-employment drug screen to be a PROFESSIONAL DRIVER.........Sweet Mother of Jesus! Made a mental note to memorize his face in the event I should ever "accidentally" run into this lovely caricature of a redneck if ever there was one.
So, that was my morning, and now.........let the resting commence! Again, in the event I lose power, I will post when I can. Until then, drinks are on the house!


Shumpy said...

you still out there? I hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

