
Weekend ramblings

So, as I'm leaving work on Thursday, I was backed into while waiting to turn by an asshole of a woman and, needless to say, my car is damaged, as am I. I am healing since it was just a little muscle strain and my car will be healed by a body shop. However, my irritation lies in the fact that she (horses arse who hit me) didn't want to even call the police, never mind report this to her insurance company! I told her it wasn't her choice to call the cops since I was going to need a police report in order to have my car repaired, etc. and that without a police report, no one would have anything repaired, whether metal or person! I actually had a few seconds right after she hit me where I was already standing outside of my car and thought she was not going to stop! I was ready to write her license plate down! But, she eventually made her way out of her SUV and actually asked me if I had damage to my car. My more than irritated reply to this woman was, "Duh, you backed your behemoth of a vehicle onto the hood of mine, of course there is damage!". Idiot. She made me want to start smoking again I was so irritated. You gotta love how they apparently give a driver's license to anyone in this state, including the terrorists involved in 9/11.....they literally lived in our backyard! Yay, State of Florida!
I stayed home from work on Friday because when I woke up, I felt like I had been run over by a large tractor. I am feeling much better and the Percocets they gave me are actually making me feel worse! I feel like I have had way too much to drink and the nausea on top of that isn't helping me! So, I'm not taking any more. Ick.
There is nothing on television to occupy my mind and I don't quite feel up to cleaning the house so I will most likely save those unenviable chores for tomorrow along w/laundry, etc.
Also, Paul's brother, Craig, is arriving tomorrow from Boston and we have dinner scheduled at his parents house! So this will be great! I get to meet another part of his family! Also, Paul has Friday AND Saturday of next week off! I can't believe it! Two days in a row and on the weekend to boot! ROCK!
Well, I have nothing else I can think of to post currently, so that's it for now. Don't cry.........I'll be back! Not going anywhere, not me!

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