
Wednesday's and Mid-Terms

I am now in the middle of not only the week, but Paul's mid-terms in culinary school. School tends to try my patience much less than the horrible job he has but it works with his schedule, so.....what's one to do? I smile and thank God that I have someone as wonderful as Paul in my life and look forward to our future when we don't have the little irritants like school and work to bog us down.
He has one test today which I'm sure he will ace. He is paranoid about ruining his 4.0 GPA and I don't blame him. I hope that soon he can find something more along the lines of working in pastry and using what he's learning on a daily basis.
Ahh....to dream, though. That's all easier said than done. But, it doesn't stop me from being the biggest cheerleader for him that I possibly can be.
Dinner with P's parents last night was great! Max, the kitten, stole the show with the exception of Frank's fabulous Chinese dinner! Combined with good drinks and great conversation, one couldn't ask for a better night out! And, I have Saturday (pizza night!) to look forward to.
Life is good......c'est si bon! Vive le appetite and stretchy pants! Eeeew.....that sounded kind of icky, that last part! Strike it from the record!

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