
Monday Mornings!

I am happy to be back at work this first day of August! Friday I felt horrible, both physically and mentally. However, with a little reflection over the weekend, I have gotten myself back on track. I have to keep going and keep my priorities like work and responsibilities of home-ownership in the forefront, otherwise I tend to get bogged down with the little stuff like this disease and letting that get to me is poison, as I have found out.
I know that I have a lot of people praying and counting on me to be here for a long time so I can't let them, or myself, down. I have a lot of living left to do, and though some of it may be a little restricted at times, I'm not going anywhere and intend to get back my joie de vivre.
So, look out because I'm back! Don't know where I went, but it felt like I took a little vacation from reality there for a bit. However, reality is alive and well as is my mental health!
Looking forward to dinner w/Paul's parents tomorrow night. We always have a wonderful time when we get together.
OH, Paul met my mother last night. Ick....to say the least. She is so cold and seems to hate anyone I introduce to her, regardless of sex. This isn't new, granted, however, it seems to be getting worse as the years pass. I feel bad for her. She is only a shell of the person she used to be and her highlight of her day is who she lunches with and who she gossips with and who is doing what, etc., to which my reply is usually, "I could care less, Mom!". And, I could! Who cares about such petty shit, honestly. I wish she could bring herself to find more joy in life, but she can't and that's just sad. I have done what I can, but you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink! That's exactly what she needs, a drink to loosen her up a little. The rod up her ass is so embedded that Paul even mentioned her cold demeanor and she has no reason to act that way. She didn't use to be like that, and it's a shame. However, I can't control my parents anymore than they can control me. Just have to accept them for who they are, understand that, and avoid her at all costs! I don't need the negativity in my life! Honestly, neither does she, however, she has chosen the lonely life she now leads and I feel sad for that but can't change it. She made her decisions long ago and she is ultimately the one who has to live with them.
Happy Monday, everyone! Hope all had a good weekend!

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