
Humpday......heh heh heh

So, it's Wednesday and this week has been horribly slow with El Boss Man on vacation! And, it's summer still and our business won't really get back into the swing of it until the snowbirds (gasp) return! Just shoot me now, is how I look at it!
Anyway, my point was that it is so hard to motivate oneself to get out of bed in the morning when A) you can't seem to crawl out from my nest and actually put effort into putting on work clothes and B) knowing that the next 8 or 9 hours will be devoted to surfing the internet, listening to my iPod, drinking copious amounts of caffeine and dreading the fact that on top of all that, I'm suffering from PMS! Loverly, ain't it?
And, T-Mobile has dropped a few notches in my opinion. I'm supposed to be getting my Bluetooth headset from them and this mysterious corporate person is supposed to call me regarding it, etc. However, after having to contact them three times yesterday, I have still not gotten a return call and I'm pissed! They should know better than to incur the wrath of moi when it comes to things like DECENT CUSTOMER SERVICE! Arses, the lot of 'em.
Well, I shall let you go and return to the lives you actually lead while I sit here eating Twizzlers, drinking coffee, and wondering why it feels as though the troll from the Billy Goat's Gruff has taken up residence in my ovaries.

PS-Dinner last night was SO incredible. Eggplant, and turkey (ground) with awesome sauce, damn, that was good! And, the ever better part is that I have leftovers for lunch! :)


Anonymous said...

Twizzlers....yum. :)

Hellofachick said...

totally pms food! agree?

Anonymous said...

And how about those "little" desserts Paul made? Mmmm..good!

Hellofachick said...

paul made these beautiful swans from puff pastry and creme and a raspberry....it not only looked beautiful, they were DELICIOUS!!! he also had creme puffs and little eclairs he made! i was so proud of him!! :)
he's doing so well and is going to make a kick-butt pastry chef! and, now that i am craving every kind of weird food combination due to pms, he's cooking tonight! a godsend, i tell you....i am the luckiest girl in the universe!
joyce....just ate my leftovers from last night! it tasted even better today! frank is such a phenomenal chef! i would love to bring over cookies or something but with two such wonderful cooks, i'm sure they would laugh! maybe max would eat it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the critique on pastry chef Paul. It wouldn't be right for me to be bragging publicly now would it? (Proud Mom). And yes, Frank is a great chef, self-taught as he is. He would love it if you brought cookies; he loves the attention. I may have once done the cooking and it wasn't too bad if I say so myself, but nothing like what Frank does now. So you can see why I just don't cook anymore and understand how you feel. Together with the boys' cooking and baking, I am the second luckiest girl(ha)in the universe. So bring them (cookies)on and even if Max gets them, so what. We could eat them, too, you know.