
Don't want to jinx it.......

So, I have two scheduled interviews for tomorrow. Don't want to jinx anything, however, have good feelings about them. Had another scheduled, but they cancelled on me at the last minute (tonight after 6, thank you, idiots! I didn't want to work there anyway....no benefits!).
Keep the good vibes coming my way, keep fingers crossed, whatever works!
Thanks, Shump, for the sweet comment! You kicked ass in helping me w/my resume and making it fit! I appreciate your help more than you can imagine!
Not much else going on at the moment, so I will update tomorrow when I am finished interviewing! :)


Shumpy said...

good luck today!

It was nice to talk to you. Finally put a voice to the blogger.

I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

Hellofachick said...

it was so cool of you to call! and it was awesome to put a voice to you as well.
thanks again for all your help with my awesome resume! it definitely helps!
hope we can meet for drinks or something when you visit!

Anonymous said...

Well? How'd they go?