
I'm still standing......

I am posting to let everyone know I'm still here and a great deal better than my last post!
Starting to get responses from my resume and that's something that definitely bolsters my self-esteem! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to remind me to keep my chin up and that this is just a blessing in disguise!
Since I'm posting nice and early in the morning, it's off to bed for me again. Don't know why I keep waking up, however, I sense that once this stress is behind me, I will be sleeping soundly again!
Will keep you up to date as to what's going on with my interviews (scheduled for Wed.) and how I feel like they went.

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

hang in there cutie. Good things come to those who wait.

Plus I know your resume looks good ;-)

Keep me posted on the results.