
Life changes too quickly......

So, yes, it's been a long time since I have taken the time to write anything on my blog, and there really is no excuse other than laziness.
Let's see, the last thing was most likely how happily married I was and that I was some warped Cinderella but apparently I forgot all about those damn shoes and I'm now separated from my husband. What happens next, they don't hand out a manual for that kind of thing so I can't begin to say.
I have my two dogs, he took the other dog. I have my house and that's about all. However, I suppose I do have a shred of self-respect although it's lonely but that will pass. Kind of the pull yourself up by the bootstraps thing. You know?
That's the update. I will write more later since I don't sleep too much of late. It's strange sleeping in an empty bed with the exception of my dogs and they tend to hog the covers......hey, it's no different than sleeping with a man! :)
And don't worry, I am not going to turn into some man hater. That's just not me.

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