
Never cease to be surprised!

So, I'm sitting here and emailing and texting and im'ing like the loser I feel like yesterday. Anyway, finally heard from my friend Shumpy in TX. We chatted online and then talked for three hours on the phone. I felt like I was 15. And my point to all this is that I have missed my friends so much. And having to explain why I basically disappeared and whatever is not an easy thing. Good thing that people are extremely understanding and have been so supportive and wonderful.
I'm sure I sounded like the wicked witch bitching about things but he just listened patiently.
See, we have "known" one another for a while now but have never met in person. Mostly due to the distance between TX and FL. However, he happened to be at the Jimmy Buffett concert in 2006 and we didn't even know. Oh, to go back in time.
Thanks, Shump for taking the time. You're the best!

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