
Birthday dinner #2

Last night was celebration number 2 for the Hellofachick birthday weekend. Went to a phenomenal Japanese restaurant in Tradition. The sushi was great, the duck incredible, and the company - my family - better than any other. So, obviously I had a good time. Thankfully it was not a late night since I was already exhausted.
Then, tonight is the final culmination with dinner at my brother's house. That's him. He took all the other pics since my Dad is the worst photographer! So, after tonight, I can look back and have incredible memories of this weekend. Considering everything else going on in my life, this was a welcome distraction. Definitely puts everything in perspective. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?
Still waiting for Jen to email me the pics from Friday evening when I was WAY over-served. Obviously I am anxious to get them!
One more pic....the one at the top.......this one I personally hate but it is what it is!

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