
Another week

So, C (husband) and I did a thing for the HSTC this weekend for the Girl Scouts and we volunteered to take Petunia, my precious pig, for show and tell. Well, he (C) has been telling everyone that she's about 65 pounds. Well, being that I'm the one that plays with her and feeds her rotundness every day, I knew better. So, we have to get said pig into our Tahoe to get to the event. Iggy and Lola, our iguanas, were already to go, they are a travellin' pair, I tell ya! We take them everywhere and obviously, weight with them is not an issue.

But, I digress! So, Petunia, who HATES anything resembling a harness or leash has to be lifted into the back of our truck. I laugh now but no one was laughing on Saturday morning. There was a lot of squealing however and not in a "Deliverance" kind of way either! We hoisted her into the back and even covering the back in plastic (she tends to poop when she is in the truck) it was not a 1/4 mile before she let loose and so the remaining 30 miles we drove with eau de farm sinking into our clothes.

She did great with the kids (she likes to bite them because she doesn't like them!) and when it was all said and done, we wanted to weigh her because my husband was finally convinced that she's a porker. Keep in mind she is a 9 month old potbellied pig that we adopted from the humane society as Animal Control picked her up as a stray.

We thought we could get her in the wagon behind the golf cart and drive her to the building so we could weigh her. Nope, not happening. Thankfully, with the help of two AC officers, we got her on the scale. (insert drum roll...........) 132 POUNDS! Holy pig, Batman!

She is now on a diet!

My loving husband installed a fabulous faucet in the kitchen yesterday since the previous one which was 20 years old was completely shot due to the great well water we have. I've never been so happy in my life. Doesn't take much these days! Thank you, honey! You are the best!

I posted some pics from Saturday and yesterday taken with my BlackBerry. Should have all the kids including the iguanas on the porch taking a dip in the hot tub that is not hot due to a shot heater, but most loved it, only Sam who is blind in one eye didn't like it a bit. Lola also was not into swimming and sunk like a rock when I put her in. We are hoping that she's preggers and will soon have lots of eggs!!!

So, that's it for now. Gotta get a new dryer. The motor in this one causes it to sound like a jackhammer so I have to get all the drying done before Chris gets home since it drives him up a wall and I don't blame him.

Enjoy the pictures!

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