
Backhoes and piles of dirt........

Today began the construction on my new drain field. For those of you not living in the sticks like me and who don't know what it's like not to have city water and sewer, it's a huge pain the the ass. not to mention expensive. But, after years of use, things break. The joys of home ownership!

I'm going to post a few pics because the sight of a backhoe in my driveway is actually funny, especially if you had any idea how narrow and weird my driveway is!

Anyway, things are good here. I'm happy in a way I haven't been in........well I can't remember. My birthday is Friday. I have wonderful friends and family. I'm as giddy as a school girl. Lots of reasons that shall remain unmentioned since it's no one's biz but mine. However, a suppose a lot has to do with me figuring out what I want. I suppose that's all a challenge for anyone. Kind of like figuring out what you want to do when you grow up. Easy in theory, but harder once you are thrown into this big, bad world.

I need to find a home for Delilah, my min. potbellied pig. Petunia isn't going anywhere. But I can't deal with this pig in the house biz since she's the equivalent of a two-year-old walking around with a diaper and a bad attitude. I'm constantly cleaning up after her. It's a losing battle. I just want to make sure she has a good home. I tried putting her outside with Petunia but that didn't go over so well. It wasn't Petunia with the problem, it was Delilah who is 60 lbs., not 200! Go figure.

Anyway, I think I'm going to find something to eat. Lunchtime here and I'm starving. Later! :)

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