
The day after...............

It never ceases to amaze me how in a relatively short amount of time, involving cheap booze and a lack of food, you become intoxicated! Of course, I jest.
We started out at the Mojo Room, which is for a little younger crowd. That wasn't the problem. The a/c was cranked to approximately 60 degrees. And that's ok when there are hundreds of sweaty kids dancing around and drinking. However, for the elderly (us, since we are def. not the demographic of this particular club!) we chill a little easier and after a few free drinks, took the show on the road to our old standby and favorite, Harper's.
How to describe Harper's.....think of Cheers, add a blue tint from the smoke, no one in there is nearly as attractive since this is real life and not a television show, but it is the place where you can go, no matter how long it's been, and still know the bartenders, still have decent, salt-of-the-earth people to help you pick out songs on the jukebox. Jennifer and I have spent many a night in many a club, piano bar, tiki bar......you get the picture! But, we always come back to Harpers. I think you could actually show up in your pajamas......like boxers and a t-shirt.....and you would still be viewed as fashion-forward. We love that place!
So, birthday celebration #1 was a success, albeit a tad early when it came time to go home. Blame the old chick who can't drink like I used to. Again, that may be a good thing!
I don't remotely have all the pics since everywhere was as dark as a witch's lair and no amount of photography trickery was going to work. However, the ones Jen took, or rather random people in the bar took of the two of us, should be good. Just waiting for her to email them to me!
Tonight's celebration consists of this incredible Japanese restaurant out in Tradition with my Dad, his friend, my brother and his wife and I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow, the three day festival this has become involves going to my brother's and having dinner with him, Xiu Li, and Mom. Mom has promised me a carrot cake which is my favorite!
So, the pics I will post will be of some of my gifts and as as soon as I receive more, they will be posted as well! There will be pics tonight but perhaps not as entertaining as last night's!

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