
Don't You Wonder??

Don' t you wonder what the hell is happening to our environment? Now, I'm no tree-huggin', armpit-hair-growin', granola-eatin' hippie here, however, there seems to me to be a bit of a vortex in the atmosphere above this little planet of ours! Here in FL, we are now receiving the remains of a sandstorm FROM AFRICA! For the love of all that is holy, doesn't anyone out there think this is ODD? Jeepers! "Stay inside, those of you with breathing problems may feel the effects of the sandstorm.....", and on and on they go on the news as if they are simply reporting on an accident tying up the on-ramp at Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. to northbound I95. Everyone just sits around calmly watching as earthquakes continue to occur on an almost daily basis in the Pacific Rim including the areas around Thailand and Indonesia that were decimated by the tsunami last year. The heat wave that is currently paralyzing the heartland of our country is completely out of character. People are actually dying because they have no air conditioning and are unfamiliar with heat like this. Here in FL, to us it's just another dog day of summer, but to those up north who are NOT used to heat indices above 115 degrees Fareinheit, this is a crisis of monumental proportions. The seas are rising....which to us Floridians means that in a few decades, that waterfront property we invested in will now be worth ABSOLUTELY NOTHING since it will be completely covered with water. We already have an abundance of water....so much so that we don't know what to do with it so we are dumping it back into the ocean (which is an entirely different rant....see archived blogs!).
Anyway, I am not so idealistic that I think that my little missive on the current weather crisis will have anything to do with anything. It may never be read by anyone other than me! But, at least I feel better having written it down, in the event that someone does stumble upon my little blog site and happens to feel compelled to read this entry and maybe, just maybe, would actually comment on something I wrote.....even if they disagree! At least I would have gotten one person to think about it.


Anonymous said...

Here is that one little comment that you have been hoping for. These are subjects...or subject, however you categorize your entry, that I totally agree with. You have about said it all regarding the above normal conditions occuring worldwide. Hopefully that vortex doesn't create the situation where we all end up freezing to death in an instant! Isn't that is what is supposed to happen becuase of global warming?

Hellofachick said...

it does if you subscribe to the hollywood version of the results of global warming!
i think that the research that i have seen points to more flooding conditions, landmasses shrinking drastically, things along those lines.