
FInding out what is wrong........

So, yesterday I had a dr. appt. which was a direct result of having bronchitis last week. I've had asthma since I was a kid so to say I'm used to bronchitis, ER's, etc. is an understatement! But, no one had ever taken the second step and referred me to a specialist! DUR!!
Anyway, so I go to the pulmonologist yesterday. My mom was kind enough to accompany me since I have no insurance to pay for this kind of thing (thanks, work!) and the agreement was that if I go, she will pay. An agreement I was not going to pass up.
After about two hours, many tests, being stuck like a voodoo doll, the dr. comes in and says that not only do I have asthma but I have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)! (said very matter-of-factly as if he was mentioning that he wanted pizza for lunch!). I said basically nothing, but inside I'm thinking this is some disease that old people who smoke two packs a day and work in asbestos-filled buildings develop, certainly not a 32 year old woman! Then, the kicker, I'm to go home, prick my finger and fill out this blood test where I get to find out (and the winner is....) if I have a rare form of EMPHYSEMA that is genetic in nature! Well, let's just hurry home and get right to it! I can hardly wait for the results!
Well, being that I'm adopted, I have no clue as to what my medical history is. Back in the old days when I was adopted, the child did not come with this vital information and in order for me to get my paws on it, I would have to petiton the court to unseal my adoption records, etc. and then, there is no guarantee that I will get this information I am finding is incredibly important!
Needless to say, my mind is reeling at this point. But, what is a girl to do? So, I put the link to the American Lung Association onto this site because all of a sudden, it's become a very real entity to me. Not just something you see on television or you hear when they mention the Great American Smokeout, etc. This is now a resource that will most likely be invaluable, not only to me, but to my family who is having a little harder time digesting this new information.
So, I get to be hooked up to my new best friend, my nebulizer, FOUR TIMES DAILY! This should be interesting at work since I'm a very private person and don't intend to be sitting at my desk breathing in my medication so I can at least walk to my car when work is out without having my chest hurt and feel like I'm going to die from oxygen deficiency!
Well, that's the long and short-breathedness of it. Now you know. Don't you feel better? I certainly do....well, at least I know what I'm dealing with. However, the countdown on the genetic testing begins now since I mailed my blood test out today.

{{blogged from home}}

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