

So, Friday's are supposed to be fun and all that shit. Well, maybe this would be a good day had my "supervisor", for privacy purposes, let's call them WWW (Wicked Witch of the West), not jumped down my throat the moment I walked in the door this morning. No reply to my "Hello", only criticism on how I was dressed. Honestly, not a kind bone in their body. I then spoke to my "real" boss and he said that was ridiculous and that on Monday he was going to say something to WWW since this person's treatment of me of lately has been reprehensible.
I don' t know what I ever did to deserve this.
For instance, had the funeral yesterday of a close family friend. Went to the graveside service, almost an hour north of here, then drove to work as quickly as possible once the service was over. I arrive at work to be grilled as to what time the service was, what took so long, etc. and I literally have to bite my tongue to not say something in return. This is really getting out of hand. As if I made up someone dying just so I wouldn't have to be at work.....come on, this is not high school, although someone ought to tell WWW that since I think they are stuck there and that's just pathetic.
So, if anyone has any suggestions as to the best way to deal with this mess, they would be great appreciated! :)

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