
Aquaman's Lobster....

Dan posted these pics he took today while snorkeling off of the coast in Palm Beach County. As you can see, there are incredible forms of life underneath the world-famous waves that pound our S. Florida coastline.
Which brings me to the importance of keeping the Indian River Lagoon and the St. Lucie River estuaries as clean as possible.......i.e. QUIT DUMPING THE SHIT FROM LAKE OKEECHOBEE into the river. The quality of these paradisical areas is under attack from the South Florida Water Management District. Millions of gallons of water every second are being dumped into the St. Lucie River from the lake and the damage that it is doing will take decades to reverse.
Our waterways, along with everyone else, suffered greatly by being (un)lucky enough to be directly hit by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne last year. Our reefs are slowly coming back, but to the barrage of the fresh water dumping from Lake Okeechobee. Red algae is now taking over and we are on the brink of another devastating fish kill. For those of you who aren't familiar with the area in which I live, we are a world-famous fishing destination, not to mention a haven for vacationers from all over the U.S. and other countries. So, when our waterways that should remain brackish in nature (meaning part salt and part fresh water) are inundated with fresh water the likes have never been seen in history, the precious balance which supports our local industries like fishing and tourism suffer irreparably. This then trickles down to the locals who make their living and support their families from these industries.
In conclusion, this man-made killing of our natural habitat has got to stop and with local support and the aid of the Indian Riverkeepers and other environmental groups, hopefully this will stop and our reefs and rivers can begin to heal themselves.

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