
Monday Morning!

Monday's aren't all that bad, in my humble opinion! Sometimes it's the little things that can put a smile on your face that will last all day! That is what my morning has been like thus far! Life is good!
Told my bosses about my diagnoses and my immediate supervisor was so great about it. Offered to talk to one of our underwriters about it and get me as much information on it as I can get! That is SO appreciated on this end. Why can't everyone be like that?
I'm going to take a week of vacation in September when Paul is off from this quarter in school. Even though we can't really go anywhere because of his work (and he will still be working), just being able to be available for us to spend as much time together as possible, even if we stay right here in the armpit of the Treasure Coast, is fine with me. I look forward to the future when we can go places together and see the world with one another, but for the time being, it's a vacation just being able to spend large chunks of time with one another! I'm not picky and I am infinitely happy with the time we do have with one another.
I should be working but I'm not so I think I will attempt to do something that appears as though I'm as busy as a beaver!
Will most likely post more later!

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