
Piece #684....

So, the rings are done, the dress for everyone is done, Jen and I are doing the flowers, and I found a tiara i love and Chris loves and everyone loves. and it's not expensive! So, I shall be ordering it today!

This is so exciting and fun and SO less stressful than my first foray into planning a wedding. That's due to the fact that I have the BEST planner and BEST friend anyone could ask for. Jennifer is a genius when it comes to getting things done!

So, here is a picture of the tiara that I'm getting.

It goes so well with the whole theme of the wedding and it's perfect instead of a veil which I hate anyway.....especially the blusher thing. Shades of "Sixteen Candles" and the bride walking down the aisle completely out of it on muscle relaxers! Who needs that nonsense?

So, that's it for now, I will probably post later but I have to finish this guest list so I can get it completed!!!!!

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