
The Meeting of the Parents

Yes, we have survived the meeting of our two sets of parents! Whoever decided that it was a good idea to have the two families meet before the wedding was drunk and basically a sick bastard! Really! I have no problem with them meeting the day of the wedding, especially since we are the ones footing the bill! I can definitely see if this was your usual "take out a second mortgage on the house 'cause the baby's gettin' married" type of wedding, but it's not!
However, like the well-bred children we are, we took our parents to Carraba's for dinner and they actually liked each other and had a good time! Never mind that all day Chris and I have been sick with anxiety and scenarios going around in our minds that were less than perfect. But, that's all in the past now since they liked one another.
Dad (Chris') is going into the hospital on Tuesday to have his leg amputated. After 20 years and over 45 surgeries to try to save the leg, he and his dr. decided that it was time to do away with it. He's is a good frame of mind......as good as you can be when you know you are losing your leg. And, we don't know if he will be walking by the wedding, but it would sure be great if he were and it would be a great wedding present!
So, this week, posting may be sporadic since we are staying at his parents house Tuesday and perhaps a few other nights to watch the place and make sure Taylor gets to school, etc.
Wedding plans are moving forward..........our rings were ordered, I found a person to perform the ceremony and I meet with her in a couple of weeks. We have the photographer and only need to check on the cake and get the invitations out! So, the ball continues to roll on that front.
In the midst of all this wedding stuff, I almost forgot that I have a birthday! 18 days away.....obviously I won't be doing anything since everyone is poor! Besides I would rather have a nice wedding!

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