
Finally! The Elusive Engagement Announcement!

So, after many, MANY emails to the local newspaper requesting that they put the engagement announcement in as soon as humanly possible since we don't have too much time and all that, I received an email stating that it would be in this Sunday's paper! FINALLY!
I woke up this morning to check and to clean our computer desk since I think a family of hobbits has taken up residence in it, checked the local paper, and there is was in all it's glory! And, being that this is a very small town and people have nothing else to do, even on Super Bowl Sunday, than to check the Lifestyle section of the paper to see who is getting married and who has gotten married. Pathetic, yes! Am I as guilty as the next person, YES!!!
So, I'm up very early this morning and I will be going to Dunkin Donuts in a bit to surprise sleepy fiancee with breakfast since we have to build a pen for Petunia since she has trashed the porch. And I'm not talking a little mess. For a 60 pound pig, she has made a mess of gargantuan proportions! But, she will be outside from now on! She was like MacGyver out there with her collections of coax pieces, bolts, nuts, etc. I am convinced that she saw that we had a tv out there and was trying to hook it up so she could watch her stories!
Anyhoo, here is the link to the engagement announcement should you wish to peruse it: http://www.tcpalm.com/tcp/milestones/article/0,,TCP_24454_5321654,00.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the engagement!

Hope all is well,
Suzanne Ingersoll (Formerly Miller, of course!)