
Arrivals and such........

Today, for the few minutes I was actually home, I checked the mail and found that my tiara had been delivered! Mail from Hong Kong doesn't take too long at all! Anyway, it's perfect and I can't wait to wear it!
Then we checked our email and our wedding rings have been mailed as well! Another thing that I cannot wait to try them on!
So, I'm experimenting with this My Space thing and it's so far nothing to write home about but I have been able to find a lot of people on there that I ha lost touch with over the years and it is nice to catch up with them. Other than that, there is no use of other than to keep the youth of America pining away in their chairs. My user name on there is the same: Hellofachick should you decide to stop by to chat!

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

any more updates? what's going on with you?