
Arrivals and such........

Today, for the few minutes I was actually home, I checked the mail and found that my tiara had been delivered! Mail from Hong Kong doesn't take too long at all! Anyway, it's perfect and I can't wait to wear it!
Then we checked our email and our wedding rings have been mailed as well! Another thing that I cannot wait to try them on!
So, I'm experimenting with this My Space thing and it's so far nothing to write home about but I have been able to find a lot of people on there that I ha lost touch with over the years and it is nice to catch up with them. Other than that, there is no use of other than to keep the youth of America pining away in their chairs. My user name on there is the same: Hellofachick should you decide to stop by to chat!


TOP TEN TIPS..........From your pet!!!!!

10. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be very painful.

9. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

8. Place your trust in me - it is crucial for my well being.

7. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, and your entertainment. I HAVE ONLY YOU.

6. Talk to me, even if I don't understand your words. I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.

5. Be aware that however you treat me, I'LL NEVER forget it.

4. Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you.

3. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been out in the sun too long, or my heart may be getting old and weak.

2. Take care of me when I get old. You, too, will grow old.

AND THE #1 TOP TIP FROM YOUR PET IS ...Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch it," or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for ME if you are there. Remember that I love you.


It is Monday again and that means back to work. The weekend went entirely too fast! Petunia the pig did, however, get her new home built in the backyard so we have our porch back once again. That is after the hazmat team disinfects it so we can enjoy our fish and turtles, get the hot tub working, etc. I do admit that I miss having her on the other side of the door, but she (Petunia) was becoming the Houdini of getting out of confined spaces like the porch with a locked door! So, it was time. C did an incredible job of designing and putting together Petunia's new pig penthouse and we hope that she likes it and feels comfortable there. She's so young and it is hard to remember that because she is so smart!
So, when we go check on her before work we can see how she did last night. She was very happy to get her blanket that her Dad brought her. It was a tad chilly last night and we didn't want her to feel like she was banished to the outdoors without any of her things. As soon as the blanket was down on the ground, Petunia was right on top of it and she was making her happy sounds.
Next is the iguana showcase! We finally have all the materials to make it and I think that Iggy, Lola, and Sassy will be much happier in there once it is finished. I know that Iggy will be happy to have his ladies back as he has been in "quarantine" because he has a little to learn in the romancing department! This usually results in him getting bit by the females and looking like he was on the losing end of a bar fight! Poor Iggy! He is such a great iguana. I will post some more pictures of him as well as his ladies on here so you can see what I am talking about. We also have to build a large iguana holding area in the back yard because we will be getting more iguanas, however they are not as domesticated as the three we have roaming around the house at any given time. It definitely is funny when someone comes to visit our home for the first time and they see a 5' red iguana (Iggy) sitting next to the entertainment center sleeping. Usually the first words out of the person's mouth are, "Is that thing real?". Yes, he is real, no he does not bite unless you smell like fruit, and we are not in the habit of keeping dead reptiles around the house! Yuck!
C works so hard and then has to come home to build more animal areas for our ever-growing zoo. It is certainly not easy and I try to help as much as possible but some things I am just not able to do! I do try to keep them clean, keep their homes clean, mediate any incidents that may occur, keep them happy and fed, the usual things a Mom does for her kids! That's how we view every one of our animals! They are great! Only a few are being fostered for the HSTC and that is because they cannot be kept in their regular facility because of temperature, amount of care, etc.
OK, going back to sleep! I just got up for a drink because I was coughing so much. I am trying the patch for my quitting smoking and it seems to be better than the lozenges........for me at least. Although I still feel like I can't quite shake this virus or whatever it is!! I do have to say that I have not had one craving for a ciggie since I put the patch on which was somewhere around 5 pm last night. And especially this morning, I thought I would crave one but I can't breathe as it is so I don't think that is conducive to craving a cigarette! C is doing awesome as well as far as not smoking around me and being VERY supportive! I know that I can't do this without him. My biggest thing is that I will gain weight and that scares the s*&t out of me! I'm sure C would agree with me! Nothing worse than envisioning your bride walking down the aisle (or dock in our case) and she's 20 lbs. heavier than she was before. So, I'm trying to keep track of what I eat and keep active.......which would be easier if I can get over this flu or whatever it is.


Finally! The Elusive Engagement Announcement!

So, after many, MANY emails to the local newspaper requesting that they put the engagement announcement in as soon as humanly possible since we don't have too much time and all that, I received an email stating that it would be in this Sunday's paper! FINALLY!
I woke up this morning to check and to clean our computer desk since I think a family of hobbits has taken up residence in it, checked the local paper, and there is was in all it's glory! And, being that this is a very small town and people have nothing else to do, even on Super Bowl Sunday, than to check the Lifestyle section of the paper to see who is getting married and who has gotten married. Pathetic, yes! Am I as guilty as the next person, YES!!!
So, I'm up very early this morning and I will be going to Dunkin Donuts in a bit to surprise sleepy fiancee with breakfast since we have to build a pen for Petunia since she has trashed the porch. And I'm not talking a little mess. For a 60 pound pig, she has made a mess of gargantuan proportions! But, she will be outside from now on! She was like MacGyver out there with her collections of coax pieces, bolts, nuts, etc. I am convinced that she saw that we had a tv out there and was trying to hook it up so she could watch her stories!
Anyhoo, here is the link to the engagement announcement should you wish to peruse it: http://www.tcpalm.com/tcp/milestones/article/0,,TCP_24454_5321654,00.html


The Meeting of the Parents

Yes, we have survived the meeting of our two sets of parents! Whoever decided that it was a good idea to have the two families meet before the wedding was drunk and basically a sick bastard! Really! I have no problem with them meeting the day of the wedding, especially since we are the ones footing the bill! I can definitely see if this was your usual "take out a second mortgage on the house 'cause the baby's gettin' married" type of wedding, but it's not!
However, like the well-bred children we are, we took our parents to Carraba's for dinner and they actually liked each other and had a good time! Never mind that all day Chris and I have been sick with anxiety and scenarios going around in our minds that were less than perfect. But, that's all in the past now since they liked one another.
Dad (Chris') is going into the hospital on Tuesday to have his leg amputated. After 20 years and over 45 surgeries to try to save the leg, he and his dr. decided that it was time to do away with it. He's is a good frame of mind......as good as you can be when you know you are losing your leg. And, we don't know if he will be walking by the wedding, but it would sure be great if he were and it would be a great wedding present!
So, this week, posting may be sporadic since we are staying at his parents house Tuesday and perhaps a few other nights to watch the place and make sure Taylor gets to school, etc.
Wedding plans are moving forward..........our rings were ordered, I found a person to perform the ceremony and I meet with her in a couple of weeks. We have the photographer and only need to check on the cake and get the invitations out! So, the ball continues to roll on that front.
In the midst of all this wedding stuff, I almost forgot that I have a birthday! 18 days away.....obviously I won't be doing anything since everyone is poor! Besides I would rather have a nice wedding!


Seeds to a money tree, anyone?

It would be wonderful to have seeds to a money tree so that I could continue to pay for this wedding. I just ordered our rings today and there went another wad of cash. But, it's well worth it since we both found the Turkish bands we wanted and will get them well ahead of the wedding which is another great thing!!

Only have a few more large items to get. The engagement announcement is running this weekend so that should be followed quickly by our invitations, created lovingly by Jen!!! She is so good at this she could easily do this for a living and make a TON of money!

Here is Chris' ring.....which was supposed to go right here instead of where it ended up! So, he's happy with it and that's all that matters. Mine is perfect for me since I also have a solitaire to pair it up with and they should look good together.
Feel free to post suggestions as to what Chris should do for his bachelor party! He didn't get one for his first marriage and I really want him to have one this time since it's a tradition! Go out with the guys, spend too much on strippers, get piss drunk while other strippers rub him and then he gets dropped home to me and I'm the one who won't walk for a week! Kidding! Almost......so if you have cool, cheap, fun ideas, any feedback would be fabulous! :)
OK, time for bed. Actually, time to watch more tv and then go to bed! Later guys!


Piece #684....

So, the rings are done, the dress for everyone is done, Jen and I are doing the flowers, and I found a tiara i love and Chris loves and everyone loves. and it's not expensive! So, I shall be ordering it today!

This is so exciting and fun and SO less stressful than my first foray into planning a wedding. That's due to the fact that I have the BEST planner and BEST friend anyone could ask for. Jennifer is a genius when it comes to getting things done!

So, here is a picture of the tiara that I'm getting.

It goes so well with the whole theme of the wedding and it's perfect instead of a veil which I hate anyway.....especially the blusher thing. Shades of "Sixteen Candles" and the bride walking down the aisle completely out of it on muscle relaxers! Who needs that nonsense?

So, that's it for now, I will probably post later but I have to finish this guest list so I can get it completed!!!!!