

So, this pig, Petunia, is one hell of an alarm clock. See, being unemployed and tending to the relatively lazy zoo we had enabled me to at least sleep longer than Chris. NO MORE!
Somewhere around dark thirty, I hear the incessant (not to mention LOUD) grunting and little tippy taps of her tiny hooves on the wood floor. And, in the span of two days, she has learned (since she sleeps in the living room) to ram herself on the bedroom door in an attempt to wake me up so she, Princess Petunia, can be fed.
As I sit here, she is tormenting Iggy our beautiful red iguana. Eventually she has to learn that he will kick her ass regardless of her size since she insists on rooting around him while he lays on his "throne" near the DVD and PS2 collection. Apparently he loves that stuff. Typical man!
No matter how much I scold her and talk to her, Mother Nature has a way of taking care of these things by herself and then it's up to us to nurse said pig who will have had the shit kicked out of her.
Speaking of nursing animals, Bogey, Chris' parents' Golden Ret. will be joining us for the night. She is only 4, AKC reg., beautiful, but is now suffering of seizures and we need to keep an eye on here while the 'rents take a trip to Ft. Lauderdale for the evening. Now, Bear, our dog, and most dogs, esp. pure breeds, will have seizures, but Bo's are apparently really bad. She is undergoing tests to see what is causing them. Well, tonight, the pet motel is gonna be full!
Really, though, I do at least three loads of laundry a day, mostly towels and such from cleaning up after "the kids". And, believe me, there are many times a day I wish I would have just had a kid! (not a goat....tee hee) At least they get to a point where they can bring you coffee, do dishes, make their own beds, feed themselves, etc.....you get the point. Alas, no kids to be had 'round these parts. A) we have a small home and B) someone had a vasectomy 10 years ago!
(keep that last one quiet!)
OK, thx to Shumpy who added me (again) to his blogs......it's my own fault for not posting here with any regularity! And, to think, he was at the same Buffett concert here in WPB and thru all the mayhem and adult beverages in the parking lot prior to the concert, we didn't even know one another were there. Of course, I do remember a late night phone call he made to me stating he was coming down, however I was most likely in a state of some sort and completely blocked it out! My apologies! :)
Alright, the animals and Chris need to get up! More later!

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