
The Hardest Decision

As I already have posted a million times, I love animals, and especially my two black cats, Felix and Oscar. Well, when Chris moved in, the boys moved to the porch which they LOVE! More lizards and such. They are eight years old and I adopted them from a shelter while I lived in Tallahassee. They are litter mates and neither them nor I have been parted from them.......through all my moves, hurricanes, etc. But, for about 5 years now, Oscar has suffered from a congenital condition which I will not get into here and this morning while tending to a beaten up Felix (it's Oscar every time) I really just can't put him through any more suffering and that's exactly what it is. He's never gotten over about 5 lbs. and he's losing weight and it would be selfish and cruel of me to keep him in this condition (which after many vet's opinions is incurable and painful).

So, I talked to Chris and I decided to have his put to sleep. I'm obviously upset and second-guessing this but it's the best thing. So, Monday will be the day. I don't know how Felix will react since he has never been separated from his brother or his Mom.

This really sucks. I am posting a picture of the two of them as a little cyber tribute to the Terrific Twosome they have been, not to mention the companions that saw me through MANY a tough time.

I love you, Oscar and I will NEVER forget you and I am so glad I took so many photos of you and your brother.

Oscar Englishman, 1999-2007

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