
I found it!!!

I found the wedding dress! For obvious reasons, I can't post it here since it's a secret until the wedding day! But, thanks to Jennifer, my best friend and Matron of Honor, she found it while the David's consultant continued to bombard me with ridiculous dresses that I would not wear even if they were free! But, somehow, Jen unearthed my perfect dress......only snag being that the sizes they had...one was just my size which makes me nervous because I would have to not eat for the next two months and that is not happening and the next size up (they were missing MY size) was like a gunny sack on me and too big for alterations. So, they suggested ordering. The first ETA on the dress was 12 weeks. I laughed a bit too loud and stated that I did not have 12 weeks.....they now think I'm pregnant or something and went back to recheck. So on March 10, that is the last ETA date my dress can arrive. And all they have to do is pull it from a warehouse, steam it and let me try it on. It's paid in full and it better look good.
I decided on no veil but either on a wreath of flowers around my up swept hair or one gardenia or something in the middle of the bun in the back or a simple tiara like a wreath.
The dress, I have to say, is fabulous. Simple with no patterns....just a sheath dress with a tiny train in the back which Jen, who I should refer to as St. Jen, will do the bustle on so I don't step on it and neither does anyone else. The shoes we decided on are flip flops. Since all the girls are wearing different colors and dresses, we can dress the shoes up as we please.
Anyway, that's it for the dress hunt. The largest thing has now been checked off the list and the rest from now on is details and making sure everyone sticks to the time line!

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