
My heart cries............

I am so saddended at the situation in New Orleans and in other parts of the region so affected by Hurricane Katrina. I have stopped watching the television as I can't take the news and the images which literally rip my heart out of my chest. To me it is disgusting that in AMERICA, the country that you and I call home, we are like snails in getting aid to those who so desperately need it. I am embarassed to call myself an American.
I have family ties to New Orleans and the culture is one that cannot be found anywhere else on this planet. I have friends in the area and do no know how they are doing and if they are ok.
So, that's why I have not written on my blog for a while. I honestly couldn't and still cannot find the words to express my sadness and despair at this situation. I just thank God that I was as lucky as I was last year when the two hurricanes hit this area a few weeks apart from one another. Yes, I lost everything, but I have my life, health, family, friends, loved ones, etc. and the aid was here so quickly I can't even tell you.
Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now.


Anonymous said...

Quit your bitchin'! Why would we fly blind into a disaster area without a plan. Shit happens and it's a shame but what can you do. People whined because we didn't donate more to the tsunami victims and they whined and whined more so we gave in and gave Africa more aid. Gee, we could use that money for our own aid now.

Shumpy said...

anonymous grow a pair and sign in.

LAE I know that the scenes are hard to look at, especially since they are everywhere on TV.

I've got friends there were there too. Everyone I knew there got out ok though - thank God!

Hellofachick said...

Thx Shump for the backup! As for you, Anonymous, I reiterate (perhaps too big a word for you) my friend's sentiment........grow a pair, sign in and let your identity be known. I am honestly going to change my settings so that you will have to put a name to your comments since, of late, "anonymous" has posted a few VERY inappropriate comments.
And, my final thought is this........yes, there is free speech in this country and I am all for it. However, when you cowardly comment on someone's blog about "quit my bitchin'", you are treading on MY e-soil so get the FUCK off my blog and don't come back...........YA HEAR?