
What's a girl to do.............

I will tell you. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. So, the bottom line is this.........hard decisions have to be made in life. Nature of the beast.
Of late, more than a month, my relationship w/P has been one of two ships passing in the night. We have spent very little time together due to our conflicting schedules. And, now with my new job at Nissan, I have a schedule that is unlike one I have had for the past 10 years and I'm glad for it since I was burning out on the 8-5 grind. However, it made it even more difficult spending time with your significant other when the two of you have such conflicting schedules and no days off together. And, to be completely honest, I need more in a relationship. I need someone there. I need someone who is willing to do things with me, not only things he likes to do but things I like to do as well.
So, the decision was made to part as friends for now and see what the future brings. I deserve better than to be benched on the sidelines waiting for the coach to put me in. LIFE IS TOO SHORT!
Not an easy decision and I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone but I'm afraid I have done that and I have to live with that. On the flip side, however, I am not new to the relationship business, esp. since I have been married before and not spending time with one another and growing together and experiencing life together eventually leads to two people growing in two directions instead of together and that's the kiss of death on any relationship, whether a lover, friend, or even family!
So, that's what's new in my ever-morphing life. I just roll with the punches.
I did get off my ass and cleaned out the hot tub today, however, I have to get a new heater so I will call a spa guy on Monday and see what I can get. The cheaper the better!
Well, that's it for now.
Updates @ 11............if I'm awake! :)

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