

You know, sometimes you try to have a conversation with someone to talk about some shit that has been revolving around in the back of your mind, however, when you get the chance to talk, by nature, the other person is ALWAYS going to be on the defensive and lash out verbally (God help them if they don't lash out only verbally!).
So, my point here? The above happened to me last night and I really had put a lot of thought into my approach, what my concerns were, what was important enough and what was splitting hairs, etc......kapish? However, it backfired and I don't honestly think that it was my fault, however, when certain responses were aimed my way, they were less than my intended reaction and I'm only human as well!
Anyway, where is this little ramble going? Don't know. Where are things standing at the moment, don't know. To be honest, as this is obviously a matter of a personal nature, I don't know if I'm coming or going!
Time is the ultimate equalizer so I'm sure this will resolve itself as it should. However, I suppose for now I should keep my mouth shut! Communication isn't all it is cracked up to be!

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