
First Day of School.......Well, Work

So, today is the big day. I'm looking forward to my first day of work. It's always a little nerve wracking starting a new job, but I'm completely up to the challenge and not to mention, EXCITED to get out of this house which has become a cage of sorts these past days and weeks.
Don't know how my day will be today, probably a lot of paperwork, and meeting people whose names I will most likely forget as soon as I hear it! Had enough jobs to know that my mind will most likely be completely bombarded with new info and will meltdown when I get home tonight!
Thankfully, this job is also VERY close to home. Less than a mile makes my wallet smile w/gas being as high as it is.
OK, enough for now. Have to pick an outfit out and we know how important that is! HA! :)

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