
Easter already!!

Hard to believe that it is already Easter weekend! Yes, since the holidays I have been buried up to my neck in wedding planning, but goodness, this year is flying by!
I am currently still up to my neck in writing our thank you notes to all our friends and family who were so thoughtful and generous to us on our wedding.
We finally got rain last night. I can't tell you the last time when I was able to fall asleep to the wonderful sound of raindrops on the skylight in our bathroom. It was heavenly although apparently we were sleeping so soundly that when Chris' on call phone went off due to an emergency (twice!) neither one of us heard a thing until this morning. Not a good thing!
Now it is a rarity for the phone to go off during the middle of the night but when it does, it's an emergency that requires Chris' immediate attention and usually a trip to HSTC in the middle of the night. Hey, it goes with the job! Anyway, he took care of what he could when he got to work this morning.
So, I have been seriously thinking of going back to school to do something different. At the moment, I am enjoying the fact that I don't have to work thanks to Chris but at some point, I will have to re-enter the work force. When this happens, it would be nice to have a career that I am excited about, hence the going back to school idea. I need to do a little more research and see what interests me.
We have a new iguana, Worf, that we brought home last week. He's pretty beaten up from the females that were sharing the cage with him at his previous home so he's got his own area with Sam, our other female, on the porch and he seems to like it. That is as much as a 6' injured iguana with a really bad attitude can like anything. He's never been very domesticated so Chris is working with him a little at a time so I can eventually get closer to him since he scares the crap out of me. He gets Chris with his tail on a regular basis and leaves quite a welt when he tries to defend himself. He has a really badly injured toe that we are hoping won't fall off. I taped it the other day and he seems to be doing ok with it, however, I don't know if I got the tape on it in time. I will take some pics of him and post them on here. Will do them with Sam in the picture so you can see the disparity in size between the two of them.
OK, back to writing my thank you notes. My hands are cramping which is why I take breaks to type and do something else with my hands other than hold a pen and write thank you notes which, to me, are all starting to sound the same! Aaarrrrggghhh.......hard to make them sound original. Any ideas would be helpful!

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