
Monday, monday......

So, I don't know what the heck is going on with the weather, but it's freezing here! We finally had some rain yesterday but not nearly enough and then it got VERY cold last night. It's April, for pete's sake! Last week it was 90 degrees and now if it's past 55 degrees it's time to turn the a/c back on again! The poor iguanas are freezing again. No wonder they are in a foul mood. At least the pig is a lot tougher when it comes to temperature changes.
Taxes are due tomorrow. Good thing ours were done months ago. So, today I am in the process of finishing up the thank you notes and cleaning the house.
Oh, and we now need a new dryer. The motor on this one is on it's last leg. Add that to the ever-growing list of things we need and can't afford.
"Meet Joe Black" is on tv so I'm going to take a break and watch it while I eat my lunch. That reminds me that I need to go on a diet. I am determined to lose 20 pounds since I am fat. I took one look at our wedding pics and decided that I am too plump for my taste so it's time for slimmin' down. Oh joy. I can hardly wait.
Tomorrow is Amie's birthday (sister in law) so we will be going out to karaoke to celebrate with her and get her drunk! :) Isn't that what family's for?

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