
Friday at last...............

At the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy, TGIF! Today will be my 12th day in a row working and then tomorrow and I have Sunday off!
One of the people at work is having a party tomorrow night so that should provide much needed stress relief and alcohol!!
Then, on Sunday afternoon, I am going to my new ink man, Z., and he will be putting the additions to the first tattoo http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7995/1330/1600/tatoo.jpg
so that I can make it a little more creative since I have come to the conclusion that it's a little on the small side! Not that I want to get something that covers my entire back, however, I would like it to be somewhat visible when I wear jeans!
I have to go into work 2 hours early today, but that isn't too bad considering I can use the hours!
So, I will update you on the party as well as my new and improved tattoo. The other one is healing great and no longer is sticking to anything I wear!

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

so.... where's my updated photo? you can't just leave me hanging.