
Promises, promises......

You know what annoys the shit out of me? Besides the #1 thing on my list which is lying.......is promising everything and delivering nothing. These are just two of the things that ruined my marriage, i.e. the sore spot for these particular things. But, of late, it's the promising and delivering thing that really pisses me off. I'm by nature a planner. I like to know, in a round about way, what my plans are. Don't get me wrong, spontaneity is a wonderful thing! However, when a person is constantly telling me, ".....when we do (enter whatever)......." or ".......let's do this (enter any designated time/place)....", and then does not even make an effort to deliver, I tend to start to get annoyed. I am not naive and believe everything everyone tells me. I'm old enough to know better, but would it kill someone to at least try? Perhaps my standards are too high. Perhaps I should lower them..............FUCK NO! I am worth so much more and I won't lower my standards. I shouldn't have to. People who supposedly care should want to put forth the effort.
I'm not in the habit of ranting on my blog, but I'm PMS-ing and really getting irritated at the fact that the shit-hole that my life has become is completely out of my control. Perhaps that is the reason I am bitching about this. The need for some control. My estranged husband has hid my truck and I cannot locate it. He said he put the papers in the mail........unless he mailed them from Afghanistan, they should have been here, I am sick of the games. Sick of the lies. Sick of others promising to spend time with me and not doing so. And there is always a "good" excuse. Not good enough for me, but apparently good enough for them.
OK, enough of that for the time being. Maybe someone out there will read this and give me some insight into the psyche that accounts for this behavior. Please............anyone?

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