

I am not exactly sure how to verbalize this but there are angels. They come in all shapes, forms, creeds, and usually when you don't expect it. It is only after the fact that you realize that you have come in contact with one.
Mine is my best friend, Jen. After 25 years of friendship, she has proven to many that she is, indeed, an angel. She listens to everyone, withholding judgment and only offering her support and advice. You never have to hear the, "I told you so..." or the rest of it. She manages to not only offer her over-burdened shoulders to lean on or cry on, but to offer to assist in any way, whether it is to formulate a plan to help you out of your rut or to just lend her ear.
I don't have a great deal of true friends, those that would drop anything and everything, regardless of time or location, and help you in any way. But the few that I do have are infinitely better than a ridiculously large circle of "friends" who always seem to be unavailable when a crisis strikes.
So, thank you, Jen. You are my angel. You do what you do, not out of obligation or some other self-serving purpose, but because you love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely precious.