
Monday HNT!!!!!!!!!!! AKA Tat 3

Well, it is finally done! Ziggy took this right after he finished (hence the lovely shade of red on my skin!). But, it ROCKS! Everyone that has seen it says it looks a million times better. FYI: the blue is water and the red/orange is rays of the sun. Ziggy did a rockin' job doing the stencil just from ideas we brainstormed and I am so happy how it turned out!
So, there it is in all it's glory! Now you can actually see it when I wear my jeans!
So, count this as my HNT submission, since I can't take a pictue of it by myself!


Friday at last...............

At the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy, TGIF! Today will be my 12th day in a row working and then tomorrow and I have Sunday off!
One of the people at work is having a party tomorrow night so that should provide much needed stress relief and alcohol!!
Then, on Sunday afternoon, I am going to my new ink man, Z., and he will be putting the additions to the first tattoo http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7995/1330/1600/tatoo.jpg
so that I can make it a little more creative since I have come to the conclusion that it's a little on the small side! Not that I want to get something that covers my entire back, however, I would like it to be somewhat visible when I wear jeans!
I have to go into work 2 hours early today, but that isn't too bad considering I can use the hours!
So, I will update you on the party as well as my new and improved tattoo. The other one is healing great and no longer is sticking to anything I wear!


Happy HNT!

Yes, I realize that I already posted a pic of my new ink, however, this gives a little better perspective as to exactly where it is. And, if you can't tell, it's right along my bikini line!
Sorry for those of you expecting shots of ........well, you know! After all, it's HALF nekkid Thurs., not entirely nekkid Thurs.
And, as for what it is, it's my Pisces symbol w/tribal stuff. I'm also going in on Sunday to have the one on my back updated, so you can all see that when it's complete!


Ink, Part Deux

So, here is my second tattoo. I got it Friday evening after work, slightly on a whim, however, those of you who have kept up with my blog, you know that I have been waiting for the second one!
Everything else rocks now, so enjoy the pic!


Half Nekkid Thursday

OK, so it's nothing special........but until I get my next tattoo, I actually have to put thought into this! And, as you can see, I'm running out of ideas!
As for life, everything is wonderful and I'm having a good time at work.
I did get a chance to catch up on my zzzzzzz's and I was so dead last night, I missed Shumpy's call! DOH! And, he's planning a trip to my neck of the woods so there is a distinct chance that we will get to have a few adult beverages and meet in person. Tres cool, in my opinion!
Happy HNT, everyone!


For My Impatient Fans..........

I am so tired, my eyes are crossing! So, those of you who have been pestering me for updates as to my latest information, you shall have to wait since there is not update.
But, fear not! Tomorrow is Half Nekkid Thursday and I'm wondering how far I wanna go this week! :) Stay tuned........meanwhile, I'm gonna take a nap.
Love ya!!!!


New beginnings

In life there are many new beginnings just as there are sad, yet inevitable, endings. However, it is a testament to one's character as to how one weathers the changes Life throws one's way.
I have always considered myself a pretty (and almost disgustingly) resilient person. And, I guess this is no exception. However, I still feel like I'm being selfish and I never meant to hurt anyone, most of all P. but when you go around and around and don't get to a place where you can both meet halfway and both compromise, you have to come to your conclusions as best you can.
Admittedly, I probably am being a little more logical than I need to be regarding matters of the heart.....call it a defense mechanism, but this was certainly not my first relationship and I just know how things tend to pan out.
Anyway, enough of that....this is supposed to be about new beginnings....so, it's Monday. That's a new beginning. Also, this begins my real schedule at work which is cool. I am excited. Training was done last week so I'm relieved about that and feel confident in my job now to do it alone.
Also, can't wait until I get my next tat. Was temporarily pushed back thanks to losing a job and felt that it would be irresponsible for me to get a tattoo when I have bills! But, Hellofachick is back............look out, world!
OH, and GO 'NOLES! Ass whoopin' of the Citadel, beat Miami (am not even going to comment on that one!) so bring on Boston College! God, I love football! :)


What's a girl to do.............

I will tell you. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. So, the bottom line is this.........hard decisions have to be made in life. Nature of the beast.
Of late, more than a month, my relationship w/P has been one of two ships passing in the night. We have spent very little time together due to our conflicting schedules. And, now with my new job at Nissan, I have a schedule that is unlike one I have had for the past 10 years and I'm glad for it since I was burning out on the 8-5 grind. However, it made it even more difficult spending time with your significant other when the two of you have such conflicting schedules and no days off together. And, to be completely honest, I need more in a relationship. I need someone there. I need someone who is willing to do things with me, not only things he likes to do but things I like to do as well.
So, the decision was made to part as friends for now and see what the future brings. I deserve better than to be benched on the sidelines waiting for the coach to put me in. LIFE IS TOO SHORT!
Not an easy decision and I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone but I'm afraid I have done that and I have to live with that. On the flip side, however, I am not new to the relationship business, esp. since I have been married before and not spending time with one another and growing together and experiencing life together eventually leads to two people growing in two directions instead of together and that's the kiss of death on any relationship, whether a lover, friend, or even family!
So, that's what's new in my ever-morphing life. I just roll with the punches.
I did get off my ass and cleaned out the hot tub today, however, I have to get a new heater so I will call a spa guy on Monday and see what I can get. The cheaper the better!
Well, that's it for now.
Updates @ 11............if I'm awake! :)



You know, sometimes you try to have a conversation with someone to talk about some shit that has been revolving around in the back of your mind, however, when you get the chance to talk, by nature, the other person is ALWAYS going to be on the defensive and lash out verbally (God help them if they don't lash out only verbally!).
So, my point here? The above happened to me last night and I really had put a lot of thought into my approach, what my concerns were, what was important enough and what was splitting hairs, etc......kapish? However, it backfired and I don't honestly think that it was my fault, however, when certain responses were aimed my way, they were less than my intended reaction and I'm only human as well!
Anyway, where is this little ramble going? Don't know. Where are things standing at the moment, don't know. To be honest, as this is obviously a matter of a personal nature, I don't know if I'm coming or going!
Time is the ultimate equalizer so I'm sure this will resolve itself as it should. However, I suppose for now I should keep my mouth shut! Communication isn't all it is cracked up to be!



Yep, I totally slacked on my HNT submissions of late, so I made up for it by posting a little more skin than I usually would have! So, for your viewing pleasure, you get a lovely view of my thighs in all their glory! Trust me, this is probably a little more than HNT material, however, I'm not shy, so enjoy, and happy HNT!


First Day of School.......Well, Work

So, today is the big day. I'm looking forward to my first day of work. It's always a little nerve wracking starting a new job, but I'm completely up to the challenge and not to mention, EXCITED to get out of this house which has become a cage of sorts these past days and weeks.
Don't know how my day will be today, probably a lot of paperwork, and meeting people whose names I will most likely forget as soon as I hear it! Had enough jobs to know that my mind will most likely be completely bombarded with new info and will meltdown when I get home tonight!
Thankfully, this job is also VERY close to home. Less than a mile makes my wallet smile w/gas being as high as it is.
OK, enough for now. Have to pick an outfit out and we know how important that is! HA! :)



I am finally employed! Tomorrow is my first day at the Nissan dealership around the corner. I just received the offer from the owner.
To say it's been a tough time is putting too fine a point on it. So, I kept at it until I found something where I could feel more comofrtable.
My hours are a little different, but I think the change will do me good.
So, thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes! I will post more once I learn the details tomorrow.
Off to enjoy my last day as unemployed!


My heart cries............

I am so saddended at the situation in New Orleans and in other parts of the region so affected by Hurricane Katrina. I have stopped watching the television as I can't take the news and the images which literally rip my heart out of my chest. To me it is disgusting that in AMERICA, the country that you and I call home, we are like snails in getting aid to those who so desperately need it. I am embarassed to call myself an American.
I have family ties to New Orleans and the culture is one that cannot be found anywhere else on this planet. I have friends in the area and do no know how they are doing and if they are ok.
So, that's why I have not written on my blog for a while. I honestly couldn't and still cannot find the words to express my sadness and despair at this situation. I just thank God that I was as lucky as I was last year when the two hurricanes hit this area a few weeks apart from one another. Yes, I lost everything, but I have my life, health, family, friends, loved ones, etc. and the aid was here so quickly I can't even tell you.
Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now.