
T Minus 24 hours.....

So, the next time I post I will be married. I am SO ready for all this stress to be over with. Last night was my bachelorette party and I certainly made the most of it. It was only my best friend Jennifer, but it was perfect. Went to one of our old stomping grounds....a lovely hole in the wall bar filled with great people and a jukebox! What more could you ask for?
This morning was a little rough. I do remember having to be walked to the house from Jen's car last night when she dropped me off and Chris laughing at me but I have recovered and none too soon since I will be doing it again tomorrow! No mixing though. Gets ya every time!
So, tonight, I have to abandon my home and go to Jen's since Chris and I decided to be a little traditional and not see one another until the ceremony tomorrow. I hate not sleeping in my bed. Thank God for Valium!
I promise to write longer posts next week when I have recovered from temporary wedding madness.
Now I gotta go and get hitched! Yee haw! :)

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