
Yeah........I know.....You thought I disappeared!!!

But, I am still here. Since I'm limited w/o a computer at home now, my blog postings have been horrible and nonexistent of late. But, life is good.
Quick update for those of you who give a hell......no longer w/Chris. That was a trainwreck waiting to happen and I chose to take evasive maneuvers so that I wouldn't be on board when the shit hit the fan.
And, as Life does, I got thrown another curve ball and now am with someone who is actually a wonderful person. No baggage, no games, no bullshit.......which, for those of you who know me, I cannot tolerate for any length of time. Then he started adding lying to the mix and it was out the door.
However, I bounce rather well and now find myself in a relationship that has no red flags, just mutual respect and love, lots of wonderful time together that seems to never be long enough, and for the first time in a long time, there are no checks in the "Con" column when it comes to our individual lists we keep in our heads when we evaluate someone for relationship status!
Also, I was moved from the Nissan dealership to the Dodge dealership.....same ownership, just different cars! And, I have to say, I am happy that they did move me. The high school mentality of the other place was beginning to wear on my nerves. Now I am in an environment that still has it's little quirks, however, it's a better place for me and I don't have to continually watch my back when it comes to chatting with people at work for fear that they will immediately run to the nearest co-employee and chew their ear off with what I have just talked about. Trust me, that got old quickly.
So, hopefully, now that I have a bit of internet access, I will make it a habit of posting more. Just thought I would let you all know that I was not buried in a shallow grave somewhere and that one of these days I will get the photo bugs out and post the updated ones of not only my ink, but of me!
Missed you all and hope that you haven't completely abandoned my site! So, post your comments and I am looking forward to hearing from you! :)

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