
Living and loving life!

So, my last post explained what has preoccupied my life lately..........or rather who! I have since then been sick w/the flu or something. Stayed home from work yesterday and today. Fever yesterday was 103 and is now finally back to normal. Whatever it was, it felt like hell! But Chris took care of me and I am feeling human again.
I expected comments but I was not prepared for the rudest and most selfish phone call that resulted from the information posted.
So I am at work, for the 14th day in a row when my cell phone rings. I carry it with me in my pocket at work so I don't miss call since that's my main phone. Anyway it happened to be Paul. He seemed a little taken back that I had answered the phone, and truthfully, when I say it was him, I hesitated to pick the phone up. But my curiosity got the better of me and I picked up. He proceeds to launch into this self-centered diatribe telling me that I should have called him regarding my new relationship with Chris. I told him I didn't think it was any of his business in the hopes that he would stop pestering me. But, of course, that failed miserably.
Right after I broke things back a couple of months ago, he posted his profile onto Yahoo personals again. Didn't bother me except the fact that my friends found his profile and were the ones to tell me what he was doing. So, I called him on the carpet out of it. He was backpedaling quicker than the shrew in The Wizard of Oz! Gave me every excuse as to why he did it and it basically was that I had pushed him into it! OK, I didn't hold a gun to his head, therefore, it was completely his decision. So, I proceeded to tell him that he had made me feel horrible about breaking up but that I now knew it was the right thing to do.
Basically my beef with the whole fucked up situation with him is that we never spenct time together. For the two months we went out he only once took me to dinner or anything else that people that are dating do. Look, I'm a low maintenance person and am very understaning but when someone refuses to spend time with me and expects there to be a relationship, gotta say, they have another thing coming.
I am incredibly patient and tolerant to what's going on in another person's life that sometimes I put up with a great deal more than was necessary and then I can tolerate. And, after discussing crap and you institively know that the other person is not even willing to meet you 1/2 way then it's time to cut your losses. Bottom line is pretty much this....I have spent more time with Chris in one week than in 2 months with Paul. And essentially, it is that and other things that make me certain that I have made the right decison.
Life hands you tests and challenges, but it is what you do with those in the long run that really count. I have learned that life is too short to waste your love on people who won't or can't reciprocate................or to settle. So, while its unfortunate that someone got hurt, but that was never my intent. And, besides, its a wonderful thing when you have someone in your life who can make you laugh instead of make you second-guess yourself!

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