
Thank you.........

I want to thank all of my friends. For their support, love, and friendship when I need them. I know that it's not about how many friends you have but the quality of the friends you do have and I feel incredibly lucky to have the small but wonderful circle of friends and family who unconditionally support me regardless of my crazy antics (i.e. last two relationship disasters!).
Life is short and we need to take advantage of every single minute of it because it's gone before we know it and there are no do-overs. The mistakes we make are not mistakes, rather learning experiences that teach us about ourselves and others. Let's just say that I have had a LOT of learning experiences over the past year.
Why am I waxing nostalgic and boring the hell out of you? I always tend to become a bit reflective when my birthday comes around. 12 days from today I will have reached lucky number 33. That's why, given all the shit I have been through, I decided to take the time to thank my friends for being there when I needed them the most.
So, it's a short entry today as I have to get ready for work. Thankfully it's Friday and then one more day of work and Sunday will be time to see how much alcohol I can imbibe in a 24 hour period! Life is good and I am happy and secure for the first time in a long time.

1 comment:

Shumpy said...

happy belated birthday!

Miss your blog.