
Living and loving life!

So, my last post explained what has preoccupied my life lately..........or rather who! I have since then been sick w/the flu or something. Stayed home from work yesterday and today. Fever yesterday was 103 and is now finally back to normal. Whatever it was, it felt like hell! But Chris took care of me and I am feeling human again.
I expected comments but I was not prepared for the rudest and most selfish phone call that resulted from the information posted.
So I am at work, for the 14th day in a row when my cell phone rings. I carry it with me in my pocket at work so I don't miss call since that's my main phone. Anyway it happened to be Paul. He seemed a little taken back that I had answered the phone, and truthfully, when I say it was him, I hesitated to pick the phone up. But my curiosity got the better of me and I picked up. He proceeds to launch into this self-centered diatribe telling me that I should have called him regarding my new relationship with Chris. I told him I didn't think it was any of his business in the hopes that he would stop pestering me. But, of course, that failed miserably.
Right after I broke things back a couple of months ago, he posted his profile onto Yahoo personals again. Didn't bother me except the fact that my friends found his profile and were the ones to tell me what he was doing. So, I called him on the carpet out of it. He was backpedaling quicker than the shrew in The Wizard of Oz! Gave me every excuse as to why he did it and it basically was that I had pushed him into it! OK, I didn't hold a gun to his head, therefore, it was completely his decision. So, I proceeded to tell him that he had made me feel horrible about breaking up but that I now knew it was the right thing to do.
Basically my beef with the whole fucked up situation with him is that we never spenct time together. For the two months we went out he only once took me to dinner or anything else that people that are dating do. Look, I'm a low maintenance person and am very understaning but when someone refuses to spend time with me and expects there to be a relationship, gotta say, they have another thing coming.
I am incredibly patient and tolerant to what's going on in another person's life that sometimes I put up with a great deal more than was necessary and then I can tolerate. And, after discussing crap and you institively know that the other person is not even willing to meet you 1/2 way then it's time to cut your losses. Bottom line is pretty much this....I have spent more time with Chris in one week than in 2 months with Paul. And essentially, it is that and other things that make me certain that I have made the right decison.
Life hands you tests and challenges, but it is what you do with those in the long run that really count. I have learned that life is too short to waste your love on people who won't or can't reciprocate................or to settle. So, while its unfortunate that someone got hurt, but that was never my intent. And, besides, its a wonderful thing when you have someone in your life who can make you laugh instead of make you second-guess yourself!


What's new

So, what's new with me? Well, a lot! First of all, the main reason I have not been able to post of late is due to the fact that I have someone new in my life. Well, it isn't that new since we just celebrated one month together since our first date.
His name is Chris. Not the other Chris, a new one! He and I just happen to work together and we went out for drinks one night after work and the rest is history.
We have kept ourselves busy with work and lots of play. I posted the pic (which probably won't show knowing the problems I have had with posting pics on here) of his bike......Yamaha R1. And let me tell ya, we have had a blast so far on it. I have been on it more than a few times including popping wheelies (he's driving of course) going over the Roosevelt Bridge and reaching (I think this is the top speed we've gone so far) of 150 mph. What a rush........both this new relationship as well as coming home after a kick ass ride.
It has been years since I have been on a bike but Chris is a phenomenal rider. He has been riding all his life so I had no trepidation getting behind him and holding on! Our last ride was a little tame with no wheelies. He just got glasses and that really changes how you ride. I wasn't used to his head moving as much as it did and that night, it had rained on our way to the bar and even when it stopped, it was still so humid, we could barely see out of our helmets.
Anyway, obviously, there is much more to us than the bike. A lot more. It started as just hanging out for drinks after a long day at the Nissan slave ship (j/k). We both were not looking for anything serious and we were completely caught off guard when we fell for one another like a ton of bricks.
I used to always say I would never date anyone I worked with. Teaches me to not use the words "always" and "never" because as soon as they come out of my mouth, I can pretty much bet that I will end up eating them in one way or another. However, working together and in completely separate departments, we made sure we weren't breaking any rules but we do keep things professional at work due to the ridiculous amount of gossip that circulates around the dealership. Put a bunch of people together with a lot of down time and that's what happens. And we decided very early on that we don't prefer to be the story on everyone's lips. Although most know, they may occasionally tease, but the comments have been kept to a minimum.
I prefer not to disclose the details of our relationship (no I just won't share everything!) but sufficed to say, things are absolutely wonderful. As I mentioned neither one of us was looking for anything and we just started this as friends but I think that was probably a good thing. The effortless way in which we have connected and continue to connect is pretty astonishing and surprises us every day.
I have a pic of him but it's from the first date we had and it's on my cell phone and we all know how reliable those pics are when I try posting. So for now, you will have to wait! Next weekend, he is going racing up in GA and will be taking my camera so I should have some great pics of him on the track and off.
He had to leave early this morning for work and then had an errand to run that took him away from work and me for the remainder of the evening. So, that's probably why I am posting at 2 am since this is the first night we have spent apart.
As for the motorcyle, I am planning on taking the course to get my bike endorsement for my driver's lic. so I can drive as well. Chris said he would even take the beginner's course with me and I thought that was cool since he is very far from a beginner. So, I will update you when that happens. Should be a riot since, as I said, I haven't driven a bike in a long time. Grew up riding dirt bikes and ATV's but not street bikes.....which, by the way, are SO MUCH MORE FUN! Everytime I take off my helmet at the end of the night, I have this perma-smile from the pure adrenaline rush of the speed and the fun of it. Don't worry, we are very careful. He is incredibly careful when I am riding with him and I know he isn't going to do anything crazy with me on the back. Although we could do more wheelies, but one has to keep an eye out for the cops and the lovely snowbirds down here that freeze when even one bike passes them, never mind a few which is usually how we end up. It's a few of us going out and raising a little hell........in a good way! It's not like we can down a ton of drinks and then get back on a bike and expect to ride as safely as we can although I relax a bit after a few which makes Chris happy since I don't have a death grip on him then.......even when he taps me on my leg signaling it's wheelie time. Then I lean completely against his back, lock the fingers and enjoy the rush!
So, going to go back to bed since tomorrow is an early day and I need to catch up on sleep since I have been otherwise engaged!
More later!!!!