
Long Time!!!

I know, I have been horribly slack in keeping up with my blog! Thanks, Chris, for continually reminding me how lazy I have become! :)
Anyhow, lots new, although a lot of it is pretty trite and not at all interesting to anyone except me.
It's Jen's Birthday today...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FLEMMIE!!!!!!!!!!
Here's to another 20 years of friendship! I love you like a sister!
My job is going well and I love the hours that I work and have acclimated to them and don't think I would want to EVER return to the 8-5 grind again! Nissan has spoiled me. That's a good thing.
Getting along with everyone at work well. We hang out a lot......being in the sales arena and with the pressure that goes along with that, we drink a lot! No worries, I am not turning into an alcoholic! Just having a good time getting out of the house and returning to having a social life once again. It's been a very long time since I have had a work environment where I even gave a rat's ass as to the people I work with so this is a great change of pace. Hard to believe it's been over a month!
Personal life.........let's not divulge anything there just yet. Don't want to jinx it. Let's just say that I'm happy and Life is keeping me on my toes, but I am enjoying every single minute of it! It's too short not to enjoy everything that is thrown your way.
I still haven't figured why I can't get my HNT pics (new ink) to show up. It has been a real thorn in my side. But, I am continuing to work on it. So, just be patient!
And, that's about it for now! Back in the blog driver's seat! Good to be back!

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