
Hurricane Wilma

Well, I am hunkered down for Wilma which should be here by Monday morning. Time enough to stock up on liquor to tide me over until the power is back!
I'm boarded up and feel like a prisoner in my own home but being that my home is 95 years old and went through last season without a scratch, I feel safer here than anywhere else. But, I'm smart enough to have a getaway plan if I need one.
So, in the event I can't post, you can text or call my cell @ 772-240-5656. Thankfully I have a backup cell in the event the battery on my Razr runs out.
That's it for now......let's just hope and pray that we don't have anything more than a cat. 2 on our hands. My nerves can't take another three after last year!



I know, I am supposed to be posting my HNT submission for this week. However, I can't figure out why I can see the pics on my end on the blog but no one else can see them! Pisses me off!
Today I have to work 2-8 which is cool. So, in a minute I have to start getting ready since I'm a girl and I take entirely too long to prep for going to work! Pathetic, yes.....do I care?.......NO! Don't have to answer to anyone! How you like them apples?
I am feeling spunky today! That's a good thing!
So, I will continue to work on posting my HNT pic for today since I have been so lazy of late!


Long Time!!!

I know, I have been horribly slack in keeping up with my blog! Thanks, Chris, for continually reminding me how lazy I have become! :)
Anyhow, lots new, although a lot of it is pretty trite and not at all interesting to anyone except me.
It's Jen's Birthday today...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FLEMMIE!!!!!!!!!!
Here's to another 20 years of friendship! I love you like a sister!
My job is going well and I love the hours that I work and have acclimated to them and don't think I would want to EVER return to the 8-5 grind again! Nissan has spoiled me. That's a good thing.
Getting along with everyone at work well. We hang out a lot......being in the sales arena and with the pressure that goes along with that, we drink a lot! No worries, I am not turning into an alcoholic! Just having a good time getting out of the house and returning to having a social life once again. It's been a very long time since I have had a work environment where I even gave a rat's ass as to the people I work with so this is a great change of pace. Hard to believe it's been over a month!
Personal life.........let's not divulge anything there just yet. Don't want to jinx it. Let's just say that I'm happy and Life is keeping me on my toes, but I am enjoying every single minute of it! It's too short not to enjoy everything that is thrown your way.
I still haven't figured why I can't get my HNT pics (new ink) to show up. It has been a real thorn in my side. But, I am continuing to work on it. So, just be patient!
And, that's about it for now! Back in the blog driver's seat! Good to be back!