
Holy Crap! I am still here!!!

So, after months, ok I exaggerate, of not posting, I am taking advantage of the decreased sales in the automotive industry to post and update!
1. I am getting married. Chris #3. Yes, I have to refer to them like that so people don't get confused.
2. I adopted a Catahoula Leopard Hound from the HSTC and his name is Bear and I love him to death. He's my baby now and the cats are staging a rebellion of sorts since they are not at the top of the food chain in the house.
3. Work is slow, hence the posting!
4. Life is good.
God, it's pathetic that I can't think of 5 little things to update! Oh well. No sense crying into my adult beverage.
Things have changed a great deal around work and things are much MUCH more pleasant. I won't bore you with the details, but since I'm approaching my one year anniv. here with this company, I can honestly say that things are better now than when I initially started work here. That's a good thing.
OK, gotta close down my department so I can head home to my husband and my ever-growing zoo (I failed to mention the 3 fish tanks that are in the house now since Chris moved in with me!). But I will make a concerted effort to start posting more. And, don't worry, just 'cause I am getting married doesn't mean I won't be Hellofachick anymore! That's just something I cannot and will not change! TTFN!!!!