
Dog Days of June.........

So, summer is here in steamy Florida. And obviously I am bored at work, hence the time to actually spend on the computer in the cubicle I share with everyone else here in the dealership. No biggie, though. Only 1 hour and 55 minutes left in this Monday.
The weekend was nice but fleeting. Chris and I did a lot of measuring and brainstorming as to how we want to finish the living room once the wood floor is installed. And, there is the ever exciting yard sale that will be taking place this Saturday from 7 am to 12 pm. I am definitely glad that I will actually be working through the busiest part of the sale. Heh heh.....my brother and poor fiancee are the ones who will have to be running things. As long as they don't sell anything I am emotionally attached to (like the cats!) everything will be ok. And any extra money at this point is just being reinvested in the ongoing renovations that will be taking place for at least a year.
Chris is so wonderful. He and I are enjoying the process of putting our ideas together and making a real home for our family.
He got bad news this weekend about getting his daughters for the month of July from their mother. She pretty much informed him that he will never see his children again. So, as soon as Chris and I are married, we will be suing for full custody of the girls. And, since his lovely ex-wife is in direct contempt of court, she will enjoy a little stay in the pokey while we deprogram his girls from her brainwashing against Chris. We definitely have our work cut out for us.
So, I have a salesman standing over me wanting to use the computer. Make this short and count down until we have broadband once again and I can post to my heart's delight! :)



So, I have probably lost contact with anyone who would have been normally checking on my blog for lack of entries in the last months. That is due to not having internet access with exception of the work computer. And, since it's slow tonight, I figured I would update y'all!
I'm engaged to a wonderful man. His name is Chris.......yes, I seem to have a horrible attraction to this name! However, they say the third time's a charm and I have seen nothing to make me believe otherwise.
When is the wedding? Don't know. There will be two ceremonies. One civil one for just the two of us and another one, a mass, for our families. This way everyone gets what they want, us most of all.
We are remodeling our house which is in dire need of assistance in getting out of the 1980's. So, with wood floors going in as well as tile in the kitchen and bathroom, we are off to a good start. The house is in the process of being cleaned from top to bottom in order to get the cat hair and dander out since Chris is highly allergic to my babies. The cats will become porch cats since I don't think I have the heart to make them complete outside cats. But, by the end of this month, we will be completely moved in which will save us money and our sanity from the current soap opera of drama that surrounds my fiancee's drama obsessed roommate.
Work is work. Good and bad.......still working for Dodge and enjoy my job for the most part. In fact, I just purchased the 2007 Dodge Caliber R/T in Inferno Red. It was hard parting with the Honda, but I now have a car that's more family oriented and actually more fun to drive than the Honda ever was! :)
So, that's a quick update. Hopefully I will be posting more once we get the house phone and DSL once again since I can't live without it and Chris will be needing it for his business.
So, I'm back! Better than ever and embarking on another wonderful journey after a long time of dating psychotic stalkers who tormented me and made me actually begin to question my faith in people in general. Thankfully I have emerged wiser for the experiences and I will not be repeating them.
Cutting this short since I am almost out of work tonight and it's time to hit Mulligan's and karaoke night and I love to sit and watch/listen to Chris sing!